BQTG-205x300PNL provides the following copyright registration services:

1. If the registered subject is the owner and the author/co-authors

  • 03 samples of works to be registered; whether the work has been published or not; publication time.
  • Copy of the identity card of the author/authors (enclosed with the original identity card for comparison if the copy is not notarized 1 copy).
  • Full name, pseudonym (if any), address, phone number, fax of the author/co-authors.
  • A written commitment of the author to independently create the work, not to infringe on anyone’s copyright – 1 copy (according to the form).

2. If the registrant is the owner and not the author (organization, company)

  • 03 original work samples.
  • 01 Notarized copy of people’s identity card (or original ID card attached for comparison when notarized copies) of the author/authors of the work with certified true copies of the original.
  • The transfer of ownership of the author’s/author’s work to the owner of the work (organization, company) (1 copy).
  • A work assignment contract between the owner of the work (legal entity) and the author (individual), in case the author performs the work according to the assigned tasks and receives a salary or in the case where the owner of the work quits set of expenses for the author to perform the work.
  • Notarized copy of business registration certificate or establishment decision.
  • A written commitment of the author/authors to independently create the work, not to infringe on anyone’s copyright (according to the form).
  • Other information: pseudonym of the author; Address; phone and fax numbers of the author, the owner of the work.