Business location is the place where the specific business activities of the enterprise are conducted. The business location of the enterprise may be outside the registered address of the head office. An enterprise may only set up its business location in the province or city directly under the Central Government where its head office is located or the province or city where the enterprise locates its branch.

Excerpt from Clause 3 – Article 45 of Law on Enterprises 2014 and Decree 78/2015/ND-CP

1. Consulting on business location before company establishment:

  • Consulting on legal issues related to the operation of the business location;
  • Advice on naming business locations;
  • Consulting on business lines, the head of the business location;

2. Documents to be prepared for the establishment of a business location:

a). Notice of establishment of business location of the enterprise, the notice content includes:

  • Name and address of the head office of the enterprise or the name and address of the branch (in case the business location is affiliated to the branch);
  • Name and address of business location;
  • The field of operation of the business location;
  • Full name, place of residence, number of the people’s identity card or passport of the head of the business location;

b). Full name, signature of the legal representative of the enterprise

c). A copy of the valid identity card of the head of the business location;

d). Copy of Business Registration Certificate.

3. We do it for you

  • Submit a set of documents to establish a business location
  • Monitor the processing progress and report the results of the application
  • Carry out change procedures at competent State agencies.
  • Receive a business registration certificate at the Department of Planning and Investment

4. Time: 3 working days